Thank you for supporting North Somerset Beekeepers. Your details will be stored in an online membership system (eReturn2) which is provided by the BBKA and BDI.
New Members Please email Heather Pitch, Membership Secretary on [email protected] giving your full name, address and postcode along with your email address and a contact number.
Renewing Members You will receive an automated renewal email on 1 November each year which will contain a link to the details we already hold for you on eReturn2. Please click on that link to confirm your details and then the Submit renewal application button.
Once you have completed the form, preferred payment can be made online to Lloyds Bank, Account No: 01839153, Sort Code: 30-99-51, Account Name: North Somerset Beekeepers. Make sure you put a clear reference regarding the reason for the payment eg "Subs". The name from your bank account will be transmitted separately, so does not need to be part of your reference field. If paying by cheque please make it payable to North Somerset Beekeepers and post to: NSBK Membership Secretary, 27 Church Road, Winscombe, North Somerset BS25 1BJ.
If you previously completed a North Somerset Beekeepers' Gift Aid Form there is no need to do so again every year. But if you wish to cancel it or do not pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains, please email [email protected]. On the other hand, if you wish to complete a Gift Aid Form please download it herereturn it to me by email.
If you wish to be added to the BBKA Swarm Collectors' map on their website, please add a comment to this effect in the Notes for Membership Secretary box or send me an email. The map will display only your name, mobile and landline numbers. Viewers will not be able to zoom in and browse street view images.
Remember that your subscription includes £10,000,000 public and product liability insurance, BDI cover for 3 hives, as well as BBKA News delivered to your door once a month.
If you do not wish to complete the application form online, click here to download and print it off